Post Ex-Scientology
A Post-Ex has integrated the arguments, and “truths”, he made as a Scientologist with the arguments, and “truths”, he made as an Ex/Anti-Scientologist. He has seen the disconnects and the...
View ArticleIf Anti-Scientologists Love Science So Much, Why Don’t They Use It?
One of the most hysterical and unscientific beliefs of the Anti-Cult movement is that “brainwashing” and “Mind Control” is at work whenever anyone becomes a member of a “cult”. These ideas are assumed...
View ArticleCritical Thinking on Scientology and Anti-Scientology
I used to think that as long as I was not in the cult of Scientology any more, I would never fall into the unquestioning, partisan mindset that I had adopted when I was a Scientologist. The post...
View ArticleSearching for Evidence That the Church of Scientology Paid Social Scientists...
There is a claim made by many anti-Scientologists, such as Tony Ortega, Mike Rinder, Chris Shelton and others, that the Church of Scientology paid social scientists and other academics in the field of...
View ArticleFor Journalists: Is Tony Ortega Biased in His Reporting on Scientology?
Ask yourself: Is Tony Ortega biased on the subject of Scientology, on L. Ron Hubbard, on David Miscavige, or even on minority religions themselves? As a staunch atheist, might he be biased in the area...
View ArticleAtheist & Anti-Scientologist Tony Ortega Goes After Christians In Hysterical...
I’ve reached out to Tony Ortega via email for a comment about what kind of hatred of Christians was going through his mind, or if there was anything they did or said in the real world that set him off....
View ArticleWhy Mike Rinder & Leah Remini’s Where’s Shelly? Campaign is a Hoax
Rinder & Remini’s Where’s Shelly? campaign is a hoax to get their revenge on Miscavige. They know that she isn’t missing & never was. Here’s how I know. The post Why Mike Rinder & Leah...
View ArticleSociopathy in Anti-Scientology
Read over this very quick selection of tweets by Anti-Scientologists on the subject, and see all the support they are giving to a murderer. The post Sociopathy in Anti-Scientology appeared first on...
View ArticleConspiracy Theories on Scientology and the Aftermath
A conspiracy theory is a kind of escape hatch any believer can retreat to whenever his belief system is challenged. They are a kind of catch-all defense. And the best part of a conspiracy theory is...
View ArticleIs The Anti Cult Movement True?
If there’s one reason that I’m doing these videos, it’s because these ideas from the anti cult movement are destructive to an Ex-Scientologist, or an Ex-member of any minority religion that they call...
View ArticleEx-Scientologists: Are You Being Emotionally Manipulated?
A cool even head is always smarter and more effective at eradicating abuse, if it does exist, than a hotheaded ideologue. And it will be harder to manipulate you. Good luck out there. The post...
View ArticleThinking the Worst of Yourself as a Scientologist
How gullible can some Ex-Scientologists get? Jon Atack wrote a post on Tony Ortega’s blog, accusing everyone who was ever involved in Scientology of being gullible. I commented about Jon’s...
View ArticleEileen Barker on Cults as a Social Problem – Not a Psychological One
This is an excerpt from sociology professor Eileen Barker at the London School of Economics. A link to the full pdf is provided below. I post it because it is a different view of ‘cults’ than we are...
View ArticleApostasy – Is it Really Just David Miscavige Trying to Discredit You?
Apostasy: It’s not just for the Bitter Ones Sitting on the Porch of Infinity on the Fringes of the Internet any more. Don’t look now, but it could be you! The post Apostasy – Is it Really Just David...
View ArticleStephen Hassan Misrepresents the Science on “Brainwashing”
In a recent article about ideological influences on wikipedia, Hassan writes: “The Unification Church page then disparages critics, such as myself, as incorrectly stating that the group brainwashes...
View ArticleProfessor Hugh Urban Responds to Tony Ortega’s Stereotyping of “Religious...
I’ll hand this to Tony, whenever it is to his own advantage, he does make stabs at being intellectually honest. In this case, he published a response to his criticism of professor Hugh Urban and his...
View ArticleHow The Anti Cult Movement’s Ideology Harms Ex-Members
The anti cult movement teaches that minority religions harm the mental health of their members. Hundreds of psychological practices have been built on the idea that Ex members of these minority...
View ArticleSmarm & Exploitation in Louis Therouxs My Scientology Movie
If you’ve written enough screenplays, you learn that the main difference between the good guy and the bad guy in a movie is that for one, you know his motives for the actions he takes in the story, and...
View ArticleCatastrophizing Scientology
Don’t catastrophize Scientology or your experiences in it. Always work to keep your experiences in Scientology in perspective. The post Catastrophizing Scientology appeared first on by...
View ArticleConsonance & Dissonance in Thinking About Scientology
The human mind wants to think about things – especially important things – as either ALL GOOD, or ALL BAD. Not both. A mixture of good and bad in the mind gives you a feeling of dissonance –...
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